Google+ Communities And Why They’re Important To You

Google+ Communities And Why They’re Important To You

Google+ Communities are a bit like a hybrid between Facebook and the LinkedIn groups, but why is it important to you? The continued investing by Google in this social product guarantees that as long as Social Media is important, Google is going to keep on developing it. Learn the new features and find out how to make Google+ Communities work for you. >>Read more.

Superbowl Social Media Showdown

Super Bowl 2012 Social Media Showdown

New York Giants won Super Bowl XLVI against New England Patriots. But who wins the Super Bowl Social Media Showdown? Which team has the most Facebook fans or Twitter followers. How is Tom Brady’s Facebook Page doing? >>Read more.

Social Media Showdown

Which Social Website Generates The Most Traffic?

Which social network sends the most traffic to your website or blog? There are four big contenders for this title. Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and the new kid on the block, Google+. When we compare these one must remember that their target audience profiles can be quite different. … >> Read more.