The Step By Step Guide to Guest Posting For Beginners

Step By Step Guide To Guest Posting For Beginners

Guest posting is a great way to reach audiences created by other people! It is really effective if you do it the right way and put the effort in reaching your guest posting goals. While guest posting sounds very easy, in practice, it really isn’t. There are more steps than how it sounds but if you do everything right, you will get the most of guest posting. >>Read more.

How To Calculate Budget For Online Marketing?

How To Calculate Budget For Online Marketing?

The nature of digital marketing is quite dynamic, it needs continuous monitoring and trade-offs. High volume automated clicks, or high traffic through PPC can make your marketing plan to fall apart. In this article, you will learn how to calculate your online marketing budget based on your end goal: SALES. >>Read more.

10 Essential Steps To Writing Viral Posts

10 Essential Steps To Writing Viral Posts

Going viral has become the Holy Grail of writers, content producers and marketers of the Internet age. The science behind viral campaigning comes down to a few actionable points that you can use to send the traffic of your website or blog through the roof. Here they are: >>Read more.

How To Choose Your Blog's Name? And Your Domain?

How To Choose Your Blog’s Name? And Your Domain!

The name you choose for your blog is one of the most important decisions you’ll make in your online career. Same level of importance extends to your domain. These two pieces come together for form the foundation of your success. This article will help you choose your blog’s name and domain by taking you through the mental processes and decisions you’ll need to make along the way. >>Read more.