Utilising the Power of Wrike for Social Media Marketing and Tracking

Utilising The Power Of Wrike For Social Media Marketing And Tracking

Social media is just part of an overall marketing strategy, albeit quite a large part in this day and age. Managing your social media accounts is incredibly time consuming when it’s done manually. Wrike is an IT project management software that works just as well for managing a project on social media as it does tech projects. >>Read more.

5 Copywriting Tricks To Boost Lead Generation

5 Copywriting Tricks To Boost Lead Generation

All the marketing and sales material you’ve seen written down is called copywriting and within the marketing industry. This isn’t to be confused with “copyrighting.” The latter is to obtain the legal rights to intellectual property. It’s good for when you finish a book or … >> Read more.

How To Calculate Budget For Online Marketing?

How To Calculate Budget For Online Marketing?

The nature of digital marketing is quite dynamic, it needs continuous monitoring and trade-offs. High volume automated clicks, or high traffic through PPC can make your marketing plan to fall apart. In this article, you will learn how to calculate your online marketing budget based on your end goal: SALES. >>Read more.