Ultimate Guide To Accelerated Mobile Pages - 10 Things You Must Know

Ultimate Guide To Accelerated Mobile Pages – 10 Things You Must Know

Need For Speed! In this age of digital, mobile, instant, and on-the-go everything, we want things to be fast. So when Google launched Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), the digital arm of brands and businesses were all ecstatic to get on board. What should you take into consideration? Here’s 10 things you must know about Accelerated Mobile Pages to help you decide. >>Read more.

8 Storytelling Approaches to Boost Your Social Media Marketing

8 Storytelling Approaches to Boost Your Social Media Marketing

Humans have been telling stories since the dawn of time. If you are a business owner or a social media influencer, you should approach your social media marketing with effective storytelling strategies. Here are eight of the approaches you should be implementing in your social media marketing campaign. >>Read more.