Swinging From The Vine: Six Second Marketing Magic
Vine is one of the newer social networking platforms built by Twitter. It allows you to post 6 second looping videos. Here’s a look at some of those six second marketing marvels.
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All important and interesting Social Media and Social Media Marketing topics covered here.
Vine is one of the newer social networking platforms built by Twitter. It allows you to post 6 second looping videos. Here’s a look at some of those six second marketing marvels.
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What is the big attraction of social media from a marketer’s perspective? The ability to target billions of users from around the world quickly and cheaply is nothing short of a marketer’s wet dream. So, get you marketing groove on with social media now! >>Read more.
Remember what Google used to look like? Traditionally, results featured organic results along with a number of paid listings to the top and right of the screen. However, today there are carousels, seven-packs, authorship markup, Google Plus accounts, and other deviations dictated by the dollar. >>Read more.
While Google started out for personal reasons, they have since grown their empire to assist business-savvy people every single day. Now Google+ is considered one of the more important social networks for promoting your blog or business, and exciting new features such as Hangouts are encouraging enterprising business owners to capture the imagination of their audience in new ways. >>Read more.
Social media is one of the most effective, if not cheapest, ways to engage with existing customers and increase awareness of a brand among new markets. Content released over social media can have immediate effects. To demonstrate the impact of this as a marketing tool, here are five of the very best social media campaigns ever. >>Read more.