The Future Of Social Media

The Future Of Social Media

Social Media is here to stay, but as with all technology it keeps on evolving. Each new social media technology begets the next innovative platform. Each innovation becomes the building block from which newer technology is born. This article briefly describes the future of social media now, how it can be used by companies and where it is heading. >>Read more.

4 Dangerous Blogging Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Anyone can create a successful blog and become a blogging rock star. Just buy a nice domain name, hosting, throw in a nice layout and you’re ready to start. No matter how easy it may sound, the truth is that the vast majority of the new bloggers will fail. If you don’t want to be one of them, please read carefully what you should watch out for. >>Read more.

How To Find Your Next Job Using Social Media

How to use social media to find your next job opportunity? It is no secret that social media is a powerful tool to use when looking for a job. However, you have to use this tool correctly if you want to be successful in your next job search. Otherwise, you will just be talking to yourself in the vastness of cyberspace. >>Read more.

Would You Have a Social Media Implant?

You don’t think twice about carrying a mobile phone around you at all times, but would you take the next step and have a device implanted inside you? The notion of technology being integrated with the human body has long been immortalised in films and science fiction books but would you actually want technology inside you, even if it did make your life easier? >>Read more.