Paul Dunay Interview – Social Media for Business

Paul Dunay is an award-winning B2B marketing expert with more than 20 years’ success in generating demand and creating buzz for leading technology, consumer products, financial services and professional services organizations. Paul is Global Managing Director of Services and Social Marketing for Avaya, a global … >> Read more.

Ciarán Norris

Ciarán Norris Interview – Social Media for Business

Ciarán Norris
Ciarán Norris

Ciarán Norris is a digital marketer specialising in SEO, social media marketing & online PR. Ciarán is based in London where he works as the Head of Social Media at MindShare. Mindshare is a media communications agency employing 6,000 people in 67 countries delivering integrated media solutions across all channels and platforms.

Q1. What are the most important social media platforms at the moment?

It’s a bit of a cop-out, but the most important ones are those your customers are using. Obviously Facebook is the giant of the channel, whilst Twitter gets all the hype, but if you’re in Asia, neither of those are available in China, whilst Orkut is still strong (for now) in Brazil & India. In the Philipines Friendster is still massive (no, really): just because you read about a site in the papers all the time, doesn’t mean it’s where your customers are.

Q2. How do you see Social Media has changed the advertising communication?

There have been huge claims made for how social has destroyed the old advertising model, but I don’t think that’s quite true. What it’s done is enabled advertising, or marketing, to be created in such a way that consumers can truly get involved.

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15 Disturbing Social Media Facts Of 2010

Social Media Websites Have Taken The World By Storm This Year! Facebook has now over 540 million users and Twitter has reached almost 130 million. People are spending more time online and in social networks than ever before. Here are just some of the strange, funny, … >> Read more.

Karri Ojanen Interview – Social Media for Business

Karri Ojanen

Karri Ojanen has worked as an interaction designer, user experience lead, concept designer and information architect as well as a visual designer on three different continents from Europe to the Middle East to North America. Currently, he is a Senior Experience Architect at Organic Inc. in Toronto, Canada. In his blog,, Karri writes about user experience and interaction design and their role in advertising, social media, and mobile applications. Instead of strings of tactical solutions, he emphasizes the need for a holistic understanding of the increasingly digital world, and talks about a new way of creating advertising, services and communication.

Q1. What are the most important social media platforms at the moment?

Off the top of my head, Twitter and Facebook are my answers to this question. However, for a company wanting to use social media tools effectively in its marketing, it’s important to figure out the best combination of several social media tools and tactics that fit its strategy.

Q2. How do you see Social Media has changed the advertising communication?

People have always been social. We have always been talking about the products we buy, the brands we see with our peers, sharing information and comparing offers. But advertising, in the era of TV, radio and print, was always one way.

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