Get Your Marketing Groove On With Social Media!

What is the big attraction of social media from a marketer’s perspective? The ability to target billions of users from around the world quickly and cheaply is nothing short of a marketer’s wet dream. So, get you marketing groove on with social media now! >>Read more.

Five of the Best Social Media Marketing Campaigns Ever

Five of the Best Social Media Marketing Campaigns Ever

Social media is one of the most effective, if not cheapest, ways to engage with existing customers and increase awareness of a brand among new markets. Content released over social media can have immediate effects. To demonstrate the impact of this as a marketing tool, here are five of the very best social media campaigns ever. >>Read more.

Tumblr Vs. Blogging - Why Should Your Company Have Both?

Tumblr Vs. Blogging – Why Should Your Company Have Both?

Tumblr Vs. regular blogging? Two common marketing tools that people attribute as being one and the same are Tumblr and normal blogs. They assume that because Tumblr is quite similar to a blog, then it must be the same thing? Well, they’re not. Read on to to find out why your company needs both, a Tumblr and a regular blog. >>Read more.

Top 10 Security Problems With Social Media In 2013

Top 10 Social Media Security Problems In 2013

Social Media seems to be attracting security issues a lot more than other entities on the Internet. As the world progresses further and further into tech powered socialization it is vital that social media be dealt with in a way that ensures both privacy and security for its users. Here are Top 10 Social Media Security Problems that will have to be dealt with in 2013. >>Read more.