Discovering Startup Success With Social Media Mapping

Discovering Startup Success With Social Media Mapping

There’s no denying the power of social media in today’s business world. The use of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter has helped businesses gain customers, connect with their customers, and receive helpful feedback. Today’s consumers are looking for instantaneous communication, easily accessible information, … >> Read more.

How To Solve Your Businesses ROI Woes On Social Media

How To Solve Your Businesses ROI Woes On Social Media?

Some of the largest barriers to Social Media are the Return on Investment (ROI) questions that go along with it. One of the biggest misconceptions that I see as a digital marketer, primarily in Social Media and Social Media Advertising is that people still believe that Social Media doesn’t produce a good enough Return on Investment.

What are the ROI questions exactly? How do we generate leads using Social Media? How do we translate fans or followers into paying customers? Social Media Management and Social Advertising Specialist Dan Hackney answers these questions in this blog post. >>Read more.

Should You Be Advertising On Twitter?

A quick rundown of advertising on Twitter. If you’re promoting posts on Facebook and paying for keyword-trigger Google Ads already, then Twitter promotions are definitely worth a second thought. Let’s have a look at some of the key aspects if you are considering advertising your business on Twitter. >>Read more.

The Benefits Of Your Company Getting On Twitter Everyday

The Benefits Of Your Company Getting On Twitter Everyday

Twitter has quickly become a key aspect for business marketing and brand building. If you don’t use Twitter at least once a day, there can be a lot to get caught up on by the next morning. Rather than get behind or miss out on opportunities, you should log on every day and make sure you are doing the following things. >>Read more.