Eight AI Tools For Your Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Eight AI Tools For Your Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Artificial Intelligence or AI tools, are used for automating different marketing tasks. Some of the tasks are the creation of content, developing awareness of brands, sentiment analysis, segmenting and targeting of customers, designing and sending mailers and messages, adding posts in forums, and many others. 

These tasks are done manually by a human staff. AI automation tools carry out these tasks automatically and much more efficiently on a 24×7 basis, thus saving on human efforts and costs. As per Sky Questt, the market for AI tools in social media marketing is expected to reach USD 9.59 billion by 2030.

Some popular social media channels are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube, WhatsApp among others. When the campaign is delivered on many channels, it is called an ’Omnichannel Strategy’.

Shopify mentions that in the past two years, social media marketing has gained popularity and more than 4.9 billion users are active on various channels. The Business Research Company published a report noting the figures to be USD 219.06 billion for 2023 as its market value for social media marketing.

How AI Automation Tools Are Used In Social Media Marketing Campaigns

The marketing mix for social media marketing campaigns is discussed in the above diagram. People are the potential customers targeted by the campaigns; the purpose is the objective of the campaign, such as creating product awareness and selling products and services.

Social Media Success Wheel

Platforms are the social media channels such as Facebook and TikTok, where the campaigns are run.

The plan includes strategies and actions, schedules, costs, and other activities. The policy is the rules used in the campaign and they can include the voice and tone of the ads and messages or points to be covered.

Produce refers to ads and content creation such as write-ups, graphics, and videos, and performance is monitoring the campaign’s progress with metrics such as likes, hits received, revenue generated, and other digital marketing metrics.

Tasks Run By AI Automation Tools

AI automation uses coded automated programs or ‘Bots‘. These bots automatically surf social media platforms, review the comments and sentiments mentioned there, and post media and comments. 

Important tasks done are:

  • Trend and Sentiment Analysis: AI tools review comments on social media, identify user likes and dislikes, and understand the content to be posted. 
  • Scheduling Posts: Users live in different time zones. AI tools identify peak traffic, activity time, and post content when the largest number of users are surfing.  
  • Creating Content: Using inputs from trends and in-house artifacts, rules, and styles of brands, AI tools create posts, add titles and captions, and even create videos as per demand from users. According to recent stats, 85.1% of content creators are using AI tools to write the blog content. 
  • Social Listening: AI tools read comments and their contests on social media. They identify hot topics and keywords, prepare reports, and post appropriate content. 
  • Targeted Advertising: People who would most likely buy the product are identified. They are arranged in segments as per their profile, browsing history, likes, and preferences. Ads are targeted and placed, and advertising is focused, accurate, and measured for returns.
  • Product Testing: AI can automate product launches and measure response.

Eight Leading AI Automation Tools

Some of these tools perform specific tasks. Marketers may employ more than one to achieve their objectives. 

These tools have features for running drip campaigns, tracking ROI, A/B tests, landing pages and web forms, segmentation, analysis of campaigns, management of sales leads, multi-channel marketing, and others.

Let’s have a closer look at these 8 Leading AI Automation Tools for Social Media Marketing:

1. Salesforce Marketing Cloud

SalesForce Marketing Cloud, developed by SalesForce, is a leading AI automation software to run social media campaigns.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

It is built on the Einstein 1 Platform of SalesForce and has many features that augment conversational AI in the workflow. It is used to produce a predictive, customized, generative experience.

Marketers can analyze social media conversations, gather structured and unstructured data and write summaries, predict actions with insights, and help in customer relationship building. It allows the linking of large language models for specific domains and sectors such as retail, construction, automotive, healthcare, insurance, and others.

As a part of the SalesForce portfolio, SalesForce Marketing Cloud links easily with firms that use SalesForce platform applications.

2. Marketo Engage

Released by Adobe Experience Cloud, Marketo Engage has many features for AI automation of social channel marketing.

Marketo Engage

Some features are running marketing activities, a design studio to create marketing materials, a database for rich behavioral data analysis and mapping of customer experience journey flows, and a revenue explorer. 

Marketo Engage also gives performance and email insights, web personalizations, and SEO content creation. Some excellent features are a generative AI authoring tool that designs media and frames response queries. A support chatbot answers customers’ questions and responds correctly.

The tool also helps to create interactive webinars, AI summaries, visualization of important ROI metrics, lead and prospect generation over all channels, and AI-built predictive segments and audiences.

3. Xtremepush

Developed by Xtremepush with offices in Ireland, the US, and the Americas, the AI automation tool suite has several features that help marketers manage their social channel marketing.


It has an integral customer data platform or CDP, that surfs social media channels and databases to acquire customer data. The tool uses data unification processes for profile creation and advanced segmentation, observes real-time events, and enriches data.

Xtremepush has several capabilities that help in campaign orchestration. The features are inline content creation, ad retargeting, web/app push, onsite and in-app messages, advanced reporting, computations, dashboards, and others. The app uses the Infinity AI engine that provides plug-and-play and adaptive models to run marketing campaigns.

4 Creatio CRM

Customer relationship management software is an essential tool to streamline social media marketing campaigns. The application offers a comprehensive view of customers and connects with them through a multi-channel approach.

Creatio CRM

A complete and automated lead management feature allows for collecting customer data, qualification engagement, conversing, and recycling data. 

Creatio CRM is useful in drawing up a budget for tasks such as planning, designing, posting artifacts, and carrying out market marketing campaigns while employing intuitive analytics. The app provides full control over the digital ad lifecycle with ad creation, campaign planning, costing, tracking and performance metrics analysis, and a dashboard.

It is possible to connect the app with other tools such as Shopify, Microsoft 365, Power BI, and others. As a result, product details, sales literature, and pitches can be directly shared on social media.

5. HubSpot Marketing Hub

HubSpot Marketing Hub, developed by HubSpot, provides AI-driven marketing services for different tasks. These tasks include obtaining contact details and leads for sales, marketing with email, and designing and creating ads.

HubSpot Marketing Hub

Other tasks done are posting comments and ads, evaluating reactions by viewers, and many others. 

HubSpot Marketing Hub helps to analyze customer segments, on social media, provides attribution reporting, integrations of sales, and the creation of ads. Measuring and making maximum use of customer data is useful to make proper and strategic decisions for marketing.

The flexible and customizable dashboard helps to review campaign performance and allows for spending on the appropriate channels.

6. SAS Customer Intelligence 360

The SAS Customer Intelligence 360 AI automation tool is built on the SAS Viya AI cloud that refines many AI automation tasks.


Some of these tasks are analyzing organic results on the search engine, analyzing and targeting social media campaigns with ads, measuring customer behavior, and retargeting external sites.

SAS Customer Intelligence 360 has deep expertise in data engineering and is econometrics with forecasting and simulation capability for different scenarios. “The application offers real-time data processing and analysis to support smart decision-making.” SEO optimization allows for focusing on the best results, and the advanced Kubernetes engine allows for priority workload management.

7. Hootsuite

Hootsuite makes managing social media campaigns simple. The app helps marketers analyze social media traffic by listening to conversations and analyzing the sentiment. These inputs are used by the AI to create content and identify a schedule for the best time to post.


Hootsuite offers various tools to enhance social media engagement, particularly for advertising purposes. It also supports the integration of CRM data directly into its dashboard for better management. The application uses specific strategies for data gathering from different platforms such as X, Facebook, Pinterest, Threads, TikTok, Instagram, and many more.

8. Flick

Flick uses Iris, a built-in AI social media assistant, and it automatically does tasks such as writing captions, creating content, performing analytics, scheduling posts and hashtags, and enhancing customer engagement.


Flick supports searching hashtags in over 20 different languages and can generate automated replies. You can then develop the AI strategy and plan for creating and posting feeds. Posts on social media of good quality and tone are created to maintain the brand voice.


It is clear social media campaigns have the potential to reach a very huge audience. Social media marketing is growing in volume and revenue at a rapid rate and AI automation tools help to streamline marketing tasks. Eight popular AI automation tools were examined.

These tools carry out several tasks automatically, and accurately to meet campaign objectives and in a highly effective manner. Some tasks done by AI automation software are trend analysis, where the topics trending on social media and their relevance to the campaign,  and identifying the sentiments in social media conversations.

The AI automation tools listen to conversations in social media, identify the context and sentiment, and create customer segments as per the demography, preferences, and social media behavior. This data is analyzed to target customers as per their likes, dislikes, and browsing history.

Using AI tools for social media marketing also helps to plan campaigns, automate product launches, measure responses, and revise the campaign if needed. Performance metrics such as ROI, clicks on the ads, actions that customers take after clicking the ads, and most effective channels and ads are measured accurately. It is therefore essential for marketers to use AI automation tools to streamline social media marketing campaigns.

[Recommended reading: How To Use AI In Social Media Marketing?]

How To Use AI In Social Media Marketing

[Image credits – Main image: Flickr; Social Media Success Wheel: DigitalDays; other images, videos, infographics or screen prints are from their respective websites and/or social platforms or articles]