Mobile CRO Tips

Mobile Conversion Optimisation CRO Tips

What is CRO, or Conversion Rate Optimisation?

CRO, Conversion Rate Optimization, is a process by which you create a compelling user experience for your site. The goal is to motivate visitors to take the action you desire on the site. This could include joining an email list, buying a product, booking a service, requesting a free trial, or even subscribing to a newsletter from your site. There are various elements that go into CRO that include on-site design, the landing page itself, testing different versions of content, and improving the visual experience for users.

CRO is not about finding a quick fix for your page since some small fixes may have significant impacts, but it may not be easy to identify why these were helpful. You must take time to do research and analyze the numbers, develop hypotheses, survey customers, and test to extract the full potential of your site. As most users now utilize mobile devices to performs searches and even purchase products and services, it is important to optimize for mobile users. The remainder of this text will focus on that form of optimization.

Mobile Conversion Rate Optimisation Tips

Optimizing your conversion rate for mobile devices is essential in today’s world. Instead of viewing your site just from your laptop, you must consider it from the mobile user’s view as well. Over half of all companies who optimized for mobile platforms report an increase in sales according to SmartInsights.

This means your company can and should do the same by employing some of the tips explained here, or find an agency to assist. In order to optimize your mobile features you must make it simple for users as this will raise your conversion rates.

There are five basic ways in which you can get started in CRO:

Mobile CRO Tips Sticky Website Menu - Tangerine Drops1. Sticky Menu

A sticky menu is one that always shows, even as you continue to scroll. This is important for mobile users as they do not have to scroll back up to navigate to a different section of your site. This is just as convenient for laptop users as it is one less step to look for the menu.

This creates an increase in conversions by keeping your call to action button on the screen, making it more likely to be clicked.

2. Phone Number

A second simple way to optimize for mobile users is to underline your phone number and make it clickable. This makes it clear to mobile users that your phone number is clickable and draws attention. Changing the color can also help make it stand out further. When it is simple and obvious that users can click on your number to make a call, conversions are higher.

3. Tracking Software

Do not make assumptions as to why you are getting visitors, instead, use conversion tracking software to observe for you. Hotjar is a tool that reveals this online behavior in a simple manner.

This will give you clues as to what users need and even what catches their attention most often. This is valuable information as you can correct issues that keep users from clicking a call to action.

4. Search Box

Mobile CRO Tips Search Box

Search boxes have been removed from many sites, but they are important. People do not want to scroll through hundreds of posts to find what they need. This helps conversion as people can quickly find the information they want if it is available on your site.

5. Loading Speed

Site speed optimization is also important to conversion rate as a slow loading page will lose customers. Improving your sites speed can increase conversion rates overall.


Mobile users expect simple, straightforward, easy to use sites that do not require excessive scrolling and load quickly. If you can create this type of site and have it appear for mobile users, an increase in conversions should be noticeable in a relatively short period of time.

[Main Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery from Pexels]

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