Selling on Facebook is increasing

Selling On Facebook is increasing

Selling on Facebook is increasing based on a social media study shows 59 out of 100 leading retailers currently have a Facebook Page. The study conducted in the US included 100 retailers with a prominent e-commerce presence. >>Read more.

Facebook has now 150 million global users

Facebook has hit a new milestone: 150 million active global users. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in his blog yesterday that his social networking site had hit another huge milestone. Over 150 million people are now actively using Facebook and nearly half of them use … >> Read more.

KoobFace Virus Warning!

A Trojan Virus called KoobFace has recently been bothering users on Facebook. KoobFace sends messages to friends of infected users asking  them to click on a special link. If you click on the link you will get a message that you need to update your … >> Read more.

Facebook targeted by Nigerian 419 scam

The notorious ‘Nigerian 419′ scam is normally easy to spot since it mostly involves requests for money from supposedly rich individuals in African countries such as Nigeria, from which the fraud gets its name. The latest Facebook attacks are much craftier, because they try to … >> Read more.

Facebook wants to Twitter

Twitter rejected a $500 million acquisition offer from Facebook. Facebook started the talks about buying Twitter in mid October this year. Twitter was offered $100 M cash and $400M worth of Facebook stock. The talks ended as Twitter rejected the offer as their investors decided … >> Read more.