Top 15 Instagram Networking Tips For Newbie Influencers In 2021

Top 15 Instagram Networking Tips For Newbie Influencers In 2021

Instagram beats out all other social media platforms in one key area: engagement. As you’re strategizing for your Instagram in 2021, you can beef up your engagement through networking.

Networking is an excellent way to boost your influence on Instagram – when done right. But you’ll want to tread carefully, because there’s nothing worse than a fake networker. To help you out, we’ve put together 15 Instagram networking tips for newbies to boost their influence and get a more engaged following.

Big-Picture Networking Tips

Big-Picture Networking Tips

Networking doesn’t mean sending off the same generic message to hundreds of your favorite influencers. (Please don’t do that.) You’ll want to identify profiles that jive with your own and offer some type of mutual opportunity. Here’s how to get started on networking success.

1. Follow Accounts You Actually Like

Sounds simple, but it’s amazing how many Instagrammers get sucked into celebrity fever. You should be following accounts that you actually like. This way, you can engage with their content in a genuine way and find common ground across your profiles. Avoid getting in touch just because they’re famous or have tons of followers. Real connection can lead to more engaged followers, which boosts your influence more than a throwaway celebrity follow ever could.

2. Be Proactive But Not A Pest

Reaching out to strangers you admire does actually work. It’s a great idea to take charge and try to connect with other Instagrammers. But there’s a fine line between being proactive and being a pest. Don’t overwhelm accounts with constant messages or comments. Send a personalized message and wait for a reply. You’ll have a better chance of making a connection if your message includes shared interests and a friendly tone. Otherwise, if you’re ignored, just let it go.

3. Show Genuine Interest

At the same time, you’ll want to buckle down on your brand voice. This should showcase your real personality and use the tone/emojis/hashtags that make sense for you. When you go to network, you can use this brand voice to show genuine interest in your fans and other Instagrammers. The more consistent your voice, the more engagement you’ll see. Staying genuine will help you connect in a long-term way.

4. Don’t Write Off Micro-Influencers

When you scout out potential Insta profiles, don’t forget about micro-influencers. Be open to Instagrammers who have a smaller following than you. They might wield incredible influence with their fans. Open their profile and see what kind of engagement they’re getting on posts. If the engagement is high, this micro-influencer may be well worth getting in touch with.

5. Try Cross-Social Networking

Instagram networking doesn’t have to stay on Instagram. You can try cross-social networking through your own profile on other channels (ahem, TikTok). This also goes for influencers on cross channels. You’ll want to strategize and plan for cross-social networking, as it’s a surefire way to boost engagement.

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Make The Most Of Instagram Features

Make The Most Of Instagram Features

Instagram has quite a few features to take advantage of. As you network, you can consider how to use all available outlets on Instagram to reach different influencers. Here are the top features to keep in mind.

6. Leverage Instagram Story

Instagram Story is the place to be. Most of Instagram’s engagement happens in Stories, so you’ll want to think about how to use Stories to connect with other profiles. This could be as simple as naming others or mentioning them by username. You might also run a Story contest, or another creative idea. If your Instagram Stories are bombing, you should update your strategy ASAP.

7. Personalize DMs

Generic messages are a no-go. Be sure to check out the Instagrammer’s profile and come up with a personalized DM. Use your friendly brand voice and avoid gushing or sounding fake. If you’re actually interested in the Instagrammer, this won’t be hard to do.

8. Buddy Up In Instagram Pods

Instagram Pods can be essential to getting high engagement. Basically, they’re private groups of influencers in a similar niche who keep each other updated in order to boost each other’s posts. These groups are private and exclusive, usually up to 15 people, and can really make a difference in getting reach. You can try to find an Insta pod by making contacts, or start your own and send invites to like-profiles. Because of the exclusivity of these pods, they usually have rules for engagement so that everybody contributes.

9. Use The Explore Section

The Explore page is where you might find potential new connections. Usually, this feed has posts by people you follow, accounts similar to yours and those with high engagement. Here you can search for accounts like yours and jump into the conversation to start networking. You might also try searching by hashtag to see if something catches your eye.

10. Understand Instagram Insights

Finally, you’ll network better if you have a deep understanding of your own profile. Insights can help you define your follower demographics and see what content is getting engagement. For networking, it can be useful for thinking about like-profiles and finding cross-over content.

Connect With The Insta Crowd

Connect With The Insta Crowd

Finally, you can network organically by connecting with your followers and joining conversations across Instagram. This is all about finding ways to engage and reach new followers.

11. Do Hashtags Right

Hashtags can make or break your post. As a general rule, posts between 7-11 hashtags seem to do well, though of course this depends. You don’t want to add too many generic hashtags that have little to do with your post. Specific hashtags often get better engagement. In fact, you should try using branded hashtags as well.

12. Boost User-Generated Content

You don’t have to generate all the content. Engage with your fans by boosting their user-generated content. One of the best ways to do this is by running a content where users have to send in themed photos/videos. You can then reshare your top picks, earning engagement from users everywhere. Of course, it doesn’t have to be a contest. Simply engage with users by asking them to send in their weekend pics, or videos on a certain topic.

13. Collaborate On Live Videos

Lives have amazing engagement. You might try spicing up a live video by collaborating with another influencer. This can increase your reach and get you new fans. You should plan great content, such as a how-to or an in-depth chat. Try to stay genuine during the live for best results. (That means leaving the super marketing-y stuff out.)

14. Add Subtitles For Greater Reach

According to Instagram Business, 40% of Instagram videos are viewed without sound. Not to mention that people from all over the world may share your interests! You can boost engagement and better network internationally if you add CCs and subtitles. This will capture your “ghost” viewers and also allow some potential cross-language partnerships.

15. Give Credit Where It’s Due

Photo credit is a biggie. Make sure you give credit where it’s due and tag people who were part of the content you post. Mentioning users isn’t just a best practice – it will also increase engagement in the long run.

Final Takeaway

As you can see, Instagram networking isn’t a big mystery. The key is to stay genuine and create amazing content that resonates with your fans. Networking can also help you boost engagement by connecting with other influencers, reaching new followers and bouncing off of trending content. With our 15 Instagram networking tips, you’re well on your way to building influence in 2021.

Finally, your brand image isn’t just about Instagram. Do you have a robust online presence that includes a website? You may want to consider using one of the best website builders to create a site you can link to across all your social media channels.

[Recommended reading: Top Free Ways to Get Instagram Followers in 2021]


[Images – Main Photo by Fady Hany from Pexels; Cell Phone Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash; 2nd Cell Phone by Lisa from Pexels; Curly Hair Woman Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash; other images from their respective websites and/or social platforms]