Why Education Is A Powerful Content Marketing Strategy – 10 Examples

Why Education Is A Powerful Content Marketing Strategy - 10 Examples

I believe that quite a great number of brands that tends to prefer educating their customers and visitors through writing services and creation of astounding content are carefully choosing the right path. Let’s give it a thought; A huge percentage of our prospects don’t give attention to the products and services one has to offer but they always care about their own interests.

If you pay attention to this, you will notice that as a content manager, he or she need not pay attention to him or herself. The content produced must be of the interest of your prospects in order to create a trust bond and an emotional connection for one’s own product and services.

This is exactly where educational marketing comes in. Fill in your customers with useful information that totally relates to the products and services of their interests instead of publicizing your services and brands. Content marketing simply merged with educational content tends to provide your visitors with detailed information about the products and services offered by a certain industry.

Although some businesses prefer not employing this method because they think it’s a waste of resources although it isn’t. In the end one is still selling his or her own services and products which is way much at the background. Below are a few examples of discussion on some of the companies that have created websites to market their own products and services through the help of educational marketing.

1. General Electric Ecomagination

With General Electric they opted to use its Ecomagination site in order to familiarize their customers with a variety of aspects with their business through a discussion of science and modernization by embracing amazing challenges for great ideas. With a combination of bright visuals, innovative articles, and videos, it is one of the best sites to visit for absolutely anyone that is curious of the current environmental issues or writing of college papers if the visitor is a college student. It serves as a platform for innovative ideas and discussion about fresh technology and conservation of infrastructure.

2. General Mills Tablespoon

The tablespoon is an appealing, interactive company website for prospects who are interested in both food and entertainment. The website assembles one of the best and finally uses a perfect categorization technique to table out its content, separating it into different topics that are of interest to their customers such as Quick dishes and Rock UR party. These topics depend on the kind of cook they might be, or even an event one wants to host. With the help of these topics one is able to find specific content easily. Furthermore, the site has a section of newsletters where prospects are updated on the current recipes and different inspirations.

3. NLB

NLB is one of the most prominent Slovenian banks which wanted to distant financial organization, breach the disposition of cold and finally get much closer to their prospects. To achieve all these, NLB established Financial Advice, which is a content marketing website that makes use of digital media with live prospect engagement in order to convey it right to the financial market. Furthermore, with a creation of an advanced web portal, an iPad application and print magazine, NLB opened up a new branch in Ljubljana whereby prospects are able to get free coffee, advice, and be able to read educative materials.

4. Indium Blog

Seventeen engineers created a blog referred to as; From One Engineer to Another. Through this they create worthwhile content, videos, and answer different questions about engineering topics. If you are not familiar with what they are discussing you can appreciate them by engaging in discussions by coming up with your own ideas that might help. Since its launch, there has been a 600 percent growth in its leads.

5. Intuit Labs

It is a collaboration of an open platform that seeks entrepreneurs to lend a helping hand in solving the company’s current product challenges, rewarding their winners with cash. Intuit Labs challenges code writing technologies serving as a perfect way to nurture innovation while assembling user-generated content.

6. Continuum

MspTv is one educational group that deals with the organizational service provider. With a smooth flow of valuable content in the entire community that includes webinars, content formats, videos, and podcasts. They help resellers troubleshoot their brands permitting zenith infotech to educate their prospects in an interactive way.

7. Google – Zero Moment of Truth

Google innovated Zero Moment of Truth Website which is a term used to ascertain the main activities online prospects take before buying any product or service online. Google innovated ZMOT in terms of a variety of eBooks, videos and research records all about the fluctuation of prospects purchase patterns. Currently, this research done by Google is quoted in each and every online production worldwide.

8. Caterpillar

Caterpillar Online Forum is a community where experts who deal with caterpillar apparatus and engines are able to share information, find answers and seek professional advice from their associates.

9. Liberty Mutual

With liberty mutual they use content to link its products. With the help of their website they tend to tackle issues regarding economics and ethics. The website details blogs, interactive polls and videos which communicate slightly about Liberty Mutual Company’s brands and services. The effort shows how the content can be a good way in serving a wider purpose that is quite productive than any promotional content.

10. Lauren Luke

Back in the year 2007, Lauren Luke started selling makeup brands on eBay in order to finance her daily day job as a taxi carrier in England. In order to improve her sales, she started creating practical makeup app videos which she further supplied them on YouTube. After five years, she definitely owns her own brand and has a number of teen books which she named them Lauren Luke Looks which when read it guides her customers in makeup tutorials and what makeup to purchase.

To conclude, the initial step is to always create an informative, appealing, and educative content just as you find on Paperwritten.com. Through the creation of a content strategy for an educational purpose, one has to go through four phases which include; plan, create, implement and analyze.

[Images – Main Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay; other images from websites of the respective companies]