15 Ways How To Become Famous On Instagram


Instagram has in a short space of time become one of the most important social networks in today’s world. With over a billion active users, Instagram has changed the way people share their lives online.

The photo-sharing platform is also the favorite of social media marketers, who choose it to market their products and get more exposure for their business. In other words, Instagram is a must-have tool to have in your social media marketing arsenal.

But what about fame? Can you become famous on Instagram if you want to? Well, not so fast. The answer depends on what you mean by “famous.” If you’re looking for overnight success and think all it takes is posting a few selfies and waiting for the fame to come, then you are in for a surprise.

Becoming famous on Instagram is not easy at all, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. This guide will show you how to start gaining momentum in your online journey towards Instagram stardom.

15 Ways How To Grow Instagram Followers And Become Famous

As we said, becoming famous on Instagram might not be as easy as you think but it is doable. In this article, we will be providing the best and most effective tips to grow followers and become Insta famous. Let’s get started!

1. Use a Personal Profile Photo

Use a Personal Profile Photo - Britney Spears Instagram feed

Your profile photo is the first thing people see when they come across your Instagram account, so you need to make sure it’s attractive. Put a face in the picture and make it as clear as possible. You can use either your selfie or any other photograph of yourself.

If you don’t have one, get someone who knows you well to take a photo for you. Also, be sure your face is the focal point of the image and it’s clearly visible – no matter what size your photo is.

2. Focus On Your Target Audience

To become famous on Instagram, you need to have a clear idea of who your target audience is. Use Instagram’s built-in targeting tools and narrow down the people you want to see your photos. You can search by location, gender, or age to quickly find out who exactly is following you currently and who might be interested in your content.

3. Invite Engagement With Calls To Action

People love to be responded to, so respond to their comments whenever possible. Don’t just give them a “like.” Ask questions and make it easy for users to engage with you. Use hashtags, emojis, or any other creative way of getting more likes on your photos. You might also want to consider using the tagging feature when posting pictures. Tag relevant profiles for more exposure.

4. Develop Your Own Hashtag

If you have decided to become famous on Instagram, then developing your own hashtag is an absolute must. This will not only help you get more exposure but also allow users who are interested in your hashtags topic to see all of your photos with one click. You can choose any phrase that might be relevant to you or even invent a new one!

5. Bio Is Important!

Just as with any other social media platform, the bio is a must. Choose a clever tagline and make sure you include your Instagram account name – it’s time to start using those 15 characters wisely! Also, don’t forget to add links to profiles of accounts you’re associated with so that more people can find out about you.

6. Building A Stunning Feed

Building A Stunning Feed - Hurricane Nita

To become famous on Instagram, your feed needs to be always up to date and well organized. Make sure you’re posting images that are relevant to your targeted audience. Also, try using all the tools available for editing – filters, cropping, etc. Your images need to pop out if you want more likes!

7. Post Consistently

Don’t leave your followers wondering when the next time they will see a new pic from you. Be consistent with posting times and make it a point to add new photos at least once every few days.

The more often you post, the more exposure you’ll get. By posting consistently, you can improve the engagement rates as well as the people visiting your profile, which will help you get on the good side of Instagram’s algorithm.

8. Curate Your Tagged Photos

Every time you are tagged in a photo, make sure you respond! You can thank the user for tagging you or even ask them questions. Remember that every single photo is an opportunity to gain exposure and build relationships with more people on Instagram.

9. Purchase Instagram Followers

The fastest and the easiest way to gain more followers is by purchasing it from Media Mister. We have delivered millions of IG followers, and have many satisfied customers. Buy Instagram followers helps you boost your social presence and business growth.

In addition, Media Mister delivers real followers, which will bring you more engagement and exposure for your posts. This is one of the most efficient ways to get the ball rolling!

10. Engage With Your Audience

This is just as important as posting, if not more. Make sure you’re always engaging with your followers by liking and commenting on their photos. You can even start a conversation by asking them questions! This way you will make them aware of your presence and it’ll be easier to build a strong following from the beginning.

11. Advertising

If you want to become famous on Instagram, then chances are that you’ll need a steady stream of traffic. By paying for targeted advertising or using other promotional methods, you can bring more attention to your account. Once people start following you, they will be exposed to your content and most likely come back for more.

12. Incorporate Story Highlights And Reels

One of the best ways to become famous is by mixing storytelling with your feed, and become an Instagram story maker. You can do so with highlights or by using Reels. Both are highly customizable and allow you to put together an appealing story about yourself, your brand, or anything else that might be interesting for your audience!

13. Promote Post On Other Social Media Platforms

One of the most effective ways to get exposure for your posts is by sharing them on other social media platforms. This way you will attract users from Facebook, Twitter, or even Pinterest! You can also try promoting posts on blogs or sites that are related to your targeted audience. The more exposure you get for yourself, the better!

14. Create Brand Awareness

One of the most efficient ways to become famous on Instagram is by creating brand awareness. You can do that by inspiring people with your posts or by talking about topics that are relevant to your industry/business. People should choose you over the competition, so make sure you create an account they will love!

15. Post High-Quality Content

In order to become famous on Instagram, you need to post high-quality photos that are relevant to your targeted audience. You can also start creating short videos since they are becoming incredibly popular these days. Don’t underestimate the power of visual content – remember that most people choose IG as their main source of entertainment!


Instagram fame is not that hard if you stick to the tips mentioned above! Make sure you’re using your Instagram for business purposes and become an influencer in your industry. This will be a lot of work, however, once you manage to get famous on IG, the benefits will be worth it!

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[Image credits – Main Photo by ŞULE MAKAROĞLU on Unsplash; other images, videos, infographics or screen prints are from their respective websites and/or social platforms, or our other articles.]