Avoid These 7 Cringeworthy Social Media Mistakes New Businesses Make

Avoid These 7 Cringeworthy Social Media Mistakes New Businesses Make

Good news for newbie marketers!

Learn how to dodge the cringe-worthy social media mistakes that can trip up even seasoned pros.

Many new businesses shy away from social media, hoping it will someday lose its luster and instead hold on to more traditional marketing strategies. They’ve heard the old song, “It’s Cheaper to Keep Her.”  But … not in this case, and not according to recent studies that show 71% of marketers believe social media marketing has been ‘very effective’ for their business or ‘somewhat effective’.

Social media marketing is all about trying and tweaking. It’s important to know what to try, and when to tweak. This article shares the seven most common social media blunders new businesses make. Avoid these pitfalls and you’ll be well on your way to social media success.

Let’s get started by avoiding the following 7 social media mistakes:

1. Posting Inconsistently

Posting sporadically instead of on a regular schedule will lead to audience disengagement. Imagine your favorite TV show airing episodes randomly – you’d lose interest fast.

The solution? Develop and stick to a content calendar. Consistency builds reliability and keeps your brand, top of mind. Your followers will look forward to your posts like their favorite weekly show.

Worried about running out of content ideas? Use content repurposing and planning tools to keep a steady flow. Even busy bees can create a buzz with the right tools.

Sample Posting Schedule

Monday to Friday: Post daily with a mix of content types.

  • Monday – Inspirational quote or motivational story to kickstart the week.
  • Tuesday – Informative post about industry news or emerging trends.
  • Wednesday – User-generated content (UGC) or share a post from another creator to build relationships and offer different perspectives.
  • Thursday – Humorous or fun post to loosen up your audience and show that you’re not boring and stuck.
  • Friday – Video or infographic summarizing the week’s highlights or providing a helpful tip.

Saturday to Sunday: Post less often, focusing on high-engagement content like short videos, behind-the-scenes glimpses, or interactive posts like polls or questions.

Types of Posts

  • Funny – Humor is important. It loosens up your audience and shows you’re human. For example, share a light-hearted meme related to your industry.
  • Informative – News and emerging trends display you as the go-to person if your audience wants to stay abreast. Share articles, industry updates, or insights.
  • User-Generated Content (UGC) – Share great content from others to offer a different perspective and build relationships with other creators. For instance, repost a customer’s photo using your product.
  • Variety of Formats – Use images, infographics, and videos to cater to different preferences that touch every personality type. We’ll talk more about personality types in future articles; so be sure to follow.

2. Ignoring Negative Feedback

What it means: Removing or ignoring negative comments, hoping they’ll disappear.

Why it doesn’t work: Damages brand credibility and trust. It’s like sweeping dirt under the rug – eventually, someone notices.

New method: Embrace and address negative feedback publicly. Shows transparency and a commitment to customer satisfaction.

Remember, every complaint is an opportunity to showcase your brand’s integrity.  Handling criticism gracefully can turn detractors into advocates. For example, Stephanie Guiterrez, a Senior Social Media Strategist at Online Optimism successfully managed negative feedback. Her agency developed a Communications Guide to plan for any messages or comments they might receive, allowing them to respond promptly and effectively address any issues that arose.

3. Lacking A Unique Voice

Think about your favorite singer or entertainer. What do you like about them? Chances are, it’s their uniqueness and authenticity. That’s exactly what will attract your raving fans.

Mimicking competitors’ tone and style make your brand forgettable. Why blend in when you can stand out? The key isn’t to duplicate your rival to the Nth degree. There’s a fine line between duplicating success and maintaining originality.

Developing a distinct and authentic company voice differentiates your brand and fosters a unique connection with your audience.

* Be the memorable voice in a sea of monotony.*

Unsure where to start? Read comments, offer feedback, and engage in social listening. This helps you understand what resonates with your audience and shapes your unique voice.

[See related article: Social Listening – 10 Reasons To Pay More Attention]

Social Listening - 10 Reasons To Pay More Attention

4. Overloading Followers With Promotional Content

What it means: Constantly bombarding your followers with product and sales posts. Sounds familiar?

Why it doesn’t work: It leads to audience fatigue and loss of interest. Imagine attending a party and you’re expected to pay for your food and drinks. Would you stay or leave?

New method: Implement a Value-Driven Content Strategy, which means using marketing material that provides real and tangible benefits to its audience.

Logic: Offer educational, entertaining, or inspirational content. It’s like giving your followers a delightful treat instead of a sales pitch.

Rebuttal: A loyal, engaging audience converts and stays long-term. They’ll be excited to see your posts, knowing they’ll get valuable insights.

5. Overlooking Video Content

Pictures are worth a thousand words, and research shows people process images 60,000 times faster than text. So, imagine what that means for video. Sticking to text and image posts only means missing the engagement potential of video. Video is king in the digital world, driving higher engagement and shares – it’s like giving your content a turbo boost.

If you are oncerned about production costs and skills use affordable tools and platforms to create quality videos. You don’t need Hollywood gear, just a smartphone and some creativity.

[Recommended reading: How To Create A Video Marketing Strategy For Social Media]

How To Create A Video Marketing Strategy For Social Media

6. Not Engaging With Followers

What it means: Posting content but not interacting with your audience. This leads to a one-sided relationship and reduced engagement. Social media is a two-way street: 

  • Actively engage through comments, DMs, and live sessions.
  • Turn followers into friends.
  • Use social media management tools to streamline engagement.
  • Engage smartly, not harder.

Case study: Lisa, a fashion blogger, started responding to comments and DMs daily. As a result, her follower engagement rate shot up by 35%, and she built a loyal community that actively engaged in her live sessions.

7. Not Adapting To Trends

What it means: To stick rigidly to a set strategy and ignore new trends.

Why it doesn’t work: Misses opportunities to stay relevant and risks losing clients to competitors who are more in tune with emerging trends.

Imagine your business being the last to adopt video content while your rivals have already mastered TikTok – you’re left in the dust. If you’re not staying current, you’re not just behind the times; you’re behind your competitors.

HubSpot reports that 61% of marketers emphasize the importance of regularly updating content to align with current trends to achieve success. Falling behind can cost you clients, as they’ll gravitate towards brands that appear more innovative and current.

One of the early social media influencers Gary Vaynerchuk built his empire by staying ahead of trends. In 2006 Gary saw the potential of YouTube, and he started Wine Library TV. He changed his family’s liquor business and set the groundwork for his media company, gaining millions of followers and substantial revenue growth. Keeping up with trends has been a turning point for his success, transforming a $3M business into a $60M empire in just five years.

What To Do To Stay Abreast

  • Follow Industry Leaders – Stay updated with insights from influencers and thought leaders in your industry.
  • Use Trend Tracking Tools – Tools like Google Trends, BuzzSumo, and TrendHunter can help you spot emerging trends.
  • Engage in Continuous Learning – Regularly attend webinars, workshops, and conferences related to your field.
  • Social Media Listening – Watch what’s trending on platforms, like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Join Relevant Communities – Participate in industry-specific forums and groups to stay in the loop.

Checklist For Staying Updated

  1. Subscribe to Industry Newsletters –Get daily or weekly updates, delivered to your inbox.
  2. Set Up Google Alerts – Receive notifications about Google’s latest news on relevant topics.
  3. Follow Influencers – Engage with posts from key figures like @garyvee and other trendsetters.
  4. Use Analytics Tools – Regularly review data to see what content is performing well.
  5. Experiment Regularly – Try new formats and platforms to see what works best for your audience.


That was a lot to cover, but we hope you found it enlightening and empowering. As busy small business owners, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the need to stay on top of social media trends. 

How do you keep up with everything?

Trust me, I get it. I remember my days (before discovering online marketing) in the beauty industry – those who kept up with the latest styles made the most money. I attended every hair show I could afford, and it paid off big time.

Missing out on trends means falling behind competitors. Integrating the latest strategies can transform your social media presence.

Quick recap:

  • Video is King – Use it.
  • Content Calendar – Stay consistent.
  • Authentic Voice – Stand out.
  • Engage with Followers – Build community.

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[Recommended reading: 10 Biggest Social Media Management Mistakes]

10 Biggest Social Media Management Mistakes

[Image credits – Main hoto by Andrea Piacquadio; other images are credited in their respective articles.]