4 Ways To Attract More Responses From Social Media To An Online Form

Do you want to publish an online form on social media in order to attract lots of responses? Having a large audience definitely makes that a good option, but to really take advantage of it you need to make sure you’re able to attract enough responses. Sometimes that can be tricky, but here are 4 good ways to go about it. >>Read more.

10 Point Guide To Social Media Optimization For Your Business

10 Point Guide To Social Media Optimization For Your Business

If your business is not yet on social media you could be losing out on potential customers. It is the current trend right now and you need to take advantage of it while it is still hot. If your business is not yet optimized for social media presence follow these 10 tips on how you can optimize your business for social media marketing. >>Read more.


13 Facebook Advertising Hacks For Marketers To Drive More Sales

It cannot be denied that Facebook is among the biggest and most effective marketing platforms today. However, just being on Facebook would not cut it anymore. It takes a careful strategy for you to come up with winning campaigns to reach your marketing goals. Here are 13 useful Facebook advertising hacks that marketers can use to drive more sales. >>Read more.

Are Mobile Devices Really More Popular Than Desktop Devices?

Are Mobile Devices Really More Popular Than Desktop Devices? Infographic

This infographic notes that smartphone and desktop internet usage is totally different. While some people obviously far exceed this, the average time that was spent on a desktop or laptop device was around 34 hours per month. That’s a lot of time, but it pales in comparison to the average time per month spent on the average smartphone! >>Read more.