Roadmap To Energize Your Business With These 9 Simple Instagram Marketing Techniques

Roadmap To Energize Your Business With These 9 Simple Instagram Marketing Techniques

With the rise of TikTok, many marketers are wondering if Instagram is dead. However, Instagram announced new features that include longer, full-screen recommended videos, shareable Story links, and a “Collab” option for feed posts and reels. 

Instagram isn’t dead at all. With an audience of over 1.6 billion people, Instagram is here to stay. The potential for Instagram marketing continues to grow as well, increasing by 76 million people in the last quarter. 

Many Instagram users follow brands, and not just for consumer products. Several B2B brands use Instagram to research competitors or develop new products or services. 

The platform has its finger on the pulse of society, so how can you use that to help your business? Check out this ultimate roadmap to energize your business with these simple Instagram marketing techniques. 

Why Market On Instagram?

Nowadays, if you’re not on Instagram as a brand, it’s like you don’t even exist. The app has become everybody’s go-to destination.

In order for you to succeed on Instagram you need to define your goals and then your marketing strategy. This will help you determine the content to publish and how often. If you post randomly, without a strategy, you won’t succeed. 

Here are 9 simple tips how to energize your business on Instagram:

1. Optimize Your Instagram Account

Optimize Your Instagram Account

Before you develop your marketing strategy for Instagram, make sure all your account details are in order. 

If you’re planning on using Instagram to market your brand, you should have a business account. This is how you can access ads, metrics, and other tools. You should also optimise your Instagram bio. Be specific about your brand and what you do. If possible, include some high-value keywords that apply to your brand or products. Add a call to action to invite your audience to take action ad click on the link in your bio. You can do that by offering them a free opt-in, a download, a promo code etc.

2. Set Your Goals

Before you begin posting on Instagram, consider your reasons for being there. It’s not enough to get on Instagram because everyone else is. You need to establish a purpose and identify goals to justify your investment of time and resources.

Without goals, it’s difficult to tell if your Instagram marketing strategy is performing well. Focus on SMART goals, which are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

A weak goal would be converting 10 sales to Instagram followers. An example of a SMART goal is converting 10 sales within 30 days on Instagram. You can then develop a strategy around reaching this goal. For example, you may post content once a day with engaging copy and a clear, compelling call-to-action and implement a $100 click-to-site ad.

Goals don’t always have to be sales. You can set goals for brand awareness or increase website traffic.

Whatever your reason is, make sure to define your goals before you do anything else. Your Instagram marketing can have multiple goals, of course, but you need to know why to be able to measure your performance and tweak your campaign for success. 

3. Define Your Aesthetic

Define Your Aesthetic

Instagram is all about the visuals. Random or disjointed content can be confusing to your followers, so it’s important to have a consistent brand aesthetic for your account.

You can define your aesthetic with your brand personality. Is your brand bold and raw? Elite and sophisticated? Playful and fun? Use these terms to guide your aesthetic and create a recognizable brand aesthetic on the platform. 

Make sure that people will recognize your content because they know what it looks like, how it feels like. (something with this meaning) 

4. Use All The Instagram Features

  • Instagram Feed: Your Instagram feed is for you to share content with your audience, such as static posts, video posts, and carousel posts.
  • IGTV or Instagram Video: Instagram recently combined feed videos with IGTV and put everything under one tab. You need to create video content no matter what because Instagram recently announced that the main emphasis will be on video content which means Instagram videos and Reels. Reels: Reels can be used to grow your following. This popular feature uses multi-cut videos, like TikTok. Many brands use Reels with organic and paid posts to stand out from competitors. Nowadays, your account can’t grow if you’re not creating Reels. If you didn’t start creating them you should start NOW. 
  • Stories: Stories are one of the most valuable features on Instagram and must be included in your strategy. The short content disappears after only 24 hours, so followers expect them to be authentic and raw. You can use this opportunity to tell a story, provide links to resources. Stories don’t allow you to get more followers but it helps in building relationships with your followers.
  • Direct Messages: Also known as “DMs” direct messages provide one-on-one communication with your followers. You can message new followers to thank them for the follow and offer to answer questions, or address comments and concerns more privately. You can build a closer relationship with your audience, followers or potential clients in the DMs. People like that it makes them feel more connected to you and to your brand. Highlights: Highlights preserve your top content, such as top Stories. When followers visit your page, they can find out more information about your brand and what you have to offer. Highlights can be grouped into custom folders, such as behind-the-scenes, products, and events. You can use highlights to show your audience or potential new followers what exactly you do or what products you sell. 
  • LIVE Rooms: Instagram LIVE Rooms allow you to interact with multiple guests and gain exposure. What’s interesting about LIVE Rooms is that you can reach the audiences of the other 3 people who are with you in the LIVE. This is a great opportunity for Q&A sessions, product testing, and live shopping events. 

5. Focus On One Niche

While broad appeal may seem like a smart approach, you have a better opportunity to reach a target audience with a focus on one niche. Your account will be known for one specific offering and you’ll attract the right audience. 

Knowing your niche also helps you define your audience and target them with the right hashtags and content. Once you’re known and your audience is large enough, you can expand beyond your niche and see how your audience will react. 

6. Don’t Be Afraid To Get Salesy

A lot of marketing efforts focus on providing value and avoiding overly salesy content. On Instagram, however, you need to push your products and services to your audience regularly to get their attention. Don’t be afraid to be the pushy salesperson sometimes to get those conversions. Otherwise, you may be spending time on Instagram marketing for nothing.

7. Repeat Your Messaging

Instagram is flooded with content and Instagram’s algorithm works in a way that doesn’t allow all your followers to see all your posts all the time which is why you need to repeat the same messaging multiple times. You may feel like you’re being repetitive if you’re reusing your content or messaging, but that may be what it takes to ensure your whole audience sees it. 

Moreover, even if your audience sees your content all the time, it is known that a person needs to see something at least 7 or 8 times to take action, and that number depends on the industry. Posting once about a subject will not help you achieve your goals. 

8. Show Your Personality – and Your Face

Show Your Personality – and Your Face

If you are a small business owner, you need to keep in mind that people buy from people. Your ideal customer likes to know the person behind the brand, their story, how are they creating their products, the struggles they’re going through, the celebrations they’re having. This will allow them to create a connection with you, your company and your brand and will make them convert and eventually buy. Don’t hesitate to inject a little personality into your content and show your face. Followers will see you as a real person, and not just a business. 

9. Share Your Story

This falls in line with showing the personality behind your brand. Share your brand, or personal, story with your followers instead of pushing products all the time. Followers will get to know you better, and eventually, they will want to buy products from you instead of your competitors. This is a great way to humanize your brand and develop personal connections.

Ready To Get Started?

With one billion active users, Instagram has incredible power and reach. This former photo-sharing app has transformed into an immersive, visual experience that allows users to connect with brands directly through high-quality content. 

Though Instagram may seem intimidating, can we say something in the lines of don’t give up or don’t be afraid , create your account and just start! Maybe something like your first photo, video or reel will definitely not be your best but the more you do it the more you’ll improve.

[Recommended reading: Who Should My Business Follow On Instagram?]

Who Should My Business Follow On Instagram?

[Images – Main photo by Kindel Media from Pexels; Jack Black Instagram post by himself; other images, videos or graphics from their respective websites and/or social platforms]